Distribution in Germany

Chevin Research power amplifier distributors Germany



Chevin Research power amplifier distribution Germany 


Distribution countries

Germany  |  Sweden  |  Norway  



Chevin Research pioneered light-weight power amps using switch-mode supply technology.


Previous attempts by other manufacturers to develop light-weight power amps with similar technology hadn’t worked. Due to distributors in the pro audio industry having such bad prior experiences, this presented Trust Network with quite a challenge. Also, Chevin Research was a new brand, so the scepticism of the distributors in Germany was all the greater.  For Chevin to be accepted by the pro audio industry, we had to use our best sales abilities to gain the distributors’ confidence in the product. 


Trust Network managed to overcome all these issues. 


So impressed were the pro audio distributors in Germany by our presentation of the line and by the amps that it resulted in the establishment of a new company called Audio Network. It was set up solely as a Chevin power amplifier distributor. The company went on to add other brands to its portfolio in later years and became one of the sizeable distributors in Germany, but it all began with Trust Network’s work for Chevin Research.